Host Merapu & Penyanyi Tiada Kualiti - Chef Wan Kecewa AJL31 Tak Macam Dulu
Semalam telah berlangsungnya pertandingan anugerah juara lagu yang ke 31. Memang hebat hebat semua penyanyi yang berentap pada malam semalam. Menjadi rezeki buat Dayang Nurfaizah apabila lagu ‘Lelaki Teragung’ dinobatkan sebagai juara lagu buat kali ini. Rata rata netizen sangat berpuas hati dengan keputusan malam itu.
Namun, semalam Chef Wan telah memuat naik turun gambar AJL31 berserta ‘caption’ mengenai anugerah ini. Katanya anugerah ini tak seperti tahun tahun terdahulu. Aik dah kenapa?
Lain kualiti penyanyi zaman dulu
Dah berzaman tak mengikuti lagu2 Melayu ini tonight i tried to watched Juara Lagu. Personally i find it hard to enjoy some of the male singer song. Lain rasanya quality penyanyi zaman Juara Lagu i grew up and so used to then what i see tonight.May be the music and song are just not my cup of tea and saya cepat rasa bosan apa tah lagi quality suara penyanyi itu sendiri yg some i find to be tak sedap for my ears.
Host dan Mc Merapu
Wow susah juga bila nak Host dan MC beramai ramai ini and its a tough job to keep the audiences entertain and in good spirit with seem as merapu too much and abit of a drag.Obviously there should be some chemistry between all of them kan. Ya la bila kita ni dah jadi golongan orang lama apa tah lagi kurang berminat lagu2 rock, hip hop mau pun rap and more towards the Jazz type perhaps that is why i cannot seem to enjoy or appreciate some of this performance.Ya la masa pun sudah berubah. Kita pulak rasa mcm ketinggalan zaman pulak and i kept asking myself where are all the quality singers and voices in my mind. May be its just me feeling that way..Baik apa pun its just my own personal view and opinion sahaja. Waiting for one of my favorite female singer Dayang pulak. Jacky opening song for Gemilang was Wow! Loved the song and its lyric. Even enjoyed Shamsul and Mawi voice. Didnt know Shamsul anak Yusoff Haslam tu can sing. Ketinggalan zaman saya asyik tengok American Idol with all that super quality singer voices sampai lupa lagu2 Melayu baru pulak. Seriously i have not watched for years and years as masa pun tak ada.Super loved Dayang song tonight.Lyric so wonderful and her voice is so powerful .Memang vocal terbaik so far.I hope she will win the best vocal tonight. Hafiz and Misha Omar song pun baik but tak sehebat lagu Dayang and her performance la to me that seem more powerful. But i like the song lyric though. Their music composition tu mcm dah selalu dengar rasanya rentak nya bila dua penyanyi berduet to my ears lah. Despite that its still a good song compared to so many others yg compete tonight.
Brooch Fara Fauzana besar muka
Yes i loved this song and the duet by Shiela Dan Alif Satar. Better than what Misha and Hafiz has delivered. Anyway both Lyrics are great. Besar nya brooch si Farah Fauzana. Almost the size of her face! Didnt like her outfit too..abit too complicated.
Ella tetap terbaik
Alhamdulilah lepas rindu pada Ella tonight being entertained by her song. I have not seen her for ages but masa muda2 dahulu selalu jumpa time kita pi clubbing. She so sweet, very kind and respectful to me. I am one of her biggest fans including Shiela Majid, Siti, Ning, Ziana Zain and off course arwah Kak Pah tu.
Sumber : chefwan58
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